If you need to decide…

What if there was no right or a wrong decision? Simply different paths that lead you to a destination where you were always supposed to be. How would you approach your decision-making then?

We get lost in the litany over the consequences of our decisions, without realising that the time spent doing so – make us suffer than the supposedly “wrong” decision would have otherwise brought us.

However the story of decision-making doesn’t stop there.

What if you were meant to spend time in the space of the indecision? What if the uncertainty is exactly the space you ought to be? Can you choose this space consciously? And much like taking a dip in the cool waters and letting your skin adjust – can you take a dip into the uncertainty? Where can you find space to float in the conscious indecisiveness?

Finally, how would you recognisenise the “right” decision? What are the components of the right decision for you?

In this episode I talk about the process you can embark on, with curiosity and mind-space that would let the decision emerge.

The cornerstone of any decision making is trust. Trust that you will navigate whatever consequences that would follow whatever decision you make…






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