As humans, we’ve always loved circles. For the comfort of their equality and openness. For the ability to hold space for our connection and shared experiences.

HuMoon Circles blend Eastern mindful awareness tradition and Native American nature-based practices to help you let go of what’s no longer needed, connect with wild nature and come closer to feeling alive… in the heart of A city.

Next HuMoon Circle: Friday 14 March 2025 | 18:00-21:00 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Theme: Shed before Spring | “Weed the Garden” | Ask Ancestors for Cleanse

Each HuMoon follows roughly the same schedule. But the themes we cover differ each time, influenced by the Mayan calendar and Moon phase & sign. This time 11 Kame invites you to look at life-long challenges and with the help of your ancestors cleanse them from your life. This ritual is supported by spectacular organisational ability of Virgo and what needs to go and what no longer serves you will be illuminated by the Full Moon.

the “Moon” part

Super easy to stay connected with wild nature when you’re out in the lofty mountains, or the open sea… not so easy, when you live in a busy city.

Although cities are nature too: much like coral reefs are “buildings of the ocean” – it’s hard to connect and remember the wilderness when surrounded by concrete, glass and traffic.

The only reminder of the wilderness and otherness – is the moon that even the big city lights cannot outshine. It knows the way to the depth of our being. The moon goes through a ceremony – twice in its cycle: full moon and new moon. So at least twice a month the energies are so powerful that even a city dweller like you, feels it.

the “Hu-” part

Gathering in circles began since the dawn of humanity.

We shared stories, have our growth witnessed by the tribe and connected with each other – in circles. And there’s an abundance of gender focused circles: Women circles… men circles – I respect and benefit myself from those. 

But something inexplicable happens when we come together just as human beings. When we share the “otherness” of one another with each other, thus unveiling what’s behind biological differences as we sit, side by side. After all, the body is just a vessel for the psyche, for the Inner Self, expressed differently.

It helps us understand each other, better.

The Circle

Trained in Advaita Vedanta School of Thought of Sivananda lineage in India, representing the robust immovable structures – and Mayan Cosmology of Alta Verapaz in Guatemala – representing the softness and dynamic nature of our Earth, I invite you to surrender to those elements within yourself and take part in a HuMoon Circle.

Each HuMoon Circle follows the same schedule, but what comes up is ruled by the moon calendar, Mayan calendar and each participant.

In this HuMoon we will be asking ancestors (ruled by the spirit of Kame) to help us shed, clean and gain clarity (themes of Virgo) for the spring that is coming ahead.

Below is the flow of the ceremony:

  • Arrival (allow 10 minutes prior to arrive to the space)
  • Doors close. No admission for late coming we create a container together and together we leave. 
  • Meditation, pranayama (yogic breath) to arrive in the space and your body
  • Alignment to the Moon phase and the nawal (spirit energy) of the day
  • Intention setting and full serving of ceremonial grade cacao
  • Heart opening Yin flow
  • Sound Journey with Nidra-based body awareness and visualisation
  • Journalling & reflection
  • Shedding ritual
  • Sharing circle: your sharing is encouraged and warmly welcomed, but is entirely optional
  • Closing moment
  • Departure 

Total duration: 2.5 to 3 hours

Next HuMoon Circle: 14 March 2025 (full Moon in Virgo, nawal 11 Kame) / Amsterdam, The Netherlands in collaboration with Mahara Holistic Lifestyle

HuMoon circles are held in a very special, high vibrational, dedicated ceremonial yurt located in the heart of Amsterdam. Through its doors you enter a portal which transports you beyond the veil where fog clears and unseen becomes visible. The magic of Mahara yurt cannot be described (or even captured in pictures…) it can only be experienced.

Energy exchange: From €35,-* to €75,-
*see low income disclaimer

What do you get?

  • Feeling seen, held and understood
  • Enhanced feeling of physical wellbeing
  • Reduction in general anxiety
  • Full body relaxation
  • Uplift in energy
  • Insights for 2-3 days afterwards
  • Sense of connection to others
  • Openness of the heart
  • Improved trust
  • Positive impact on your work
  • Enhanced creativity

Experiences by others:

“Laura was great at letting me embrace the moment and helped me to relax my body and guided me to feel more connected. It really helped me to be in peace.”

Mischa, Netherlands

“Grounding, resetting, connecting and attuning to the wisdom within me. Hadn’t slept as well as I did afterwards and my dreams were quite something… Beautiful.”

Anna, Belgium

Frequently asked questions / FAQs:

Is this religious? 
No, the journey is towards yourself – so whatever faith you follow or don’t – all is welcome.

Do I need to be flexible? It mentions yoga…
Yin is a gentle practice, often encouraged for relaxation and injury recovery. 

I hate chocolate / cacao / can’t drink it, do I have to drink to get the benefits?
You don’t have to: you will still benefit from the other components of the gathering

I’m pregnant – can I come?
Yes, as long as you are within 1st or 2nd trimester and drink only 1/3 of the cacao serving.

Things to bear in mind:

If you still have questions, feel free to drop me a DM on Instagram or email.
