Recently, I found myself in a situation where I felt wronged by someone. Despite priding myself on being independent of others’ opinions, I was surprised by my intense desire to share my side of the story.
Why do we, humans, if we feel we were wronged – want to share our side of the story?
And, is it possible to not only be independent “fearlessly” risking to be the outcast (if you speak up!)… but move beyond that – and actually see the offender’s point of view as well?
Admittedly I still struggle with the latter. But by trying to create a version of reality when there is a good guy (me) and a bad guy (them) – I imprison myself into a boring, dualistic, worldview. Can I feel the hurt & pain, holding space for my feelings, as well as the other’s?
Attempting to see the situation through the offender’s eyes doesn’t invalidate your suffering from their actions, but can provide insight into their motives, potentially easing your own hurt.
Naturally this process doesn’t come easy. But accepting the universal truth which encapsulates all points’ of view does reduce some suffering that human experience is peppered with…
There is also a desire for “justice” that’s rooted in your perception of your rights and entitlement – but those are social constructs. Stories that we as humans created in order to operate in complex social structures. Our need for those structures may stem from an inherent desire for connection and cooperation, yet these very systems can distract us from simply enjoying life.
…how do we get back to the path towards enjoying life?
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